
Curl meander crossword
Curl meander crossword

Knowledge of such things won’t help your annual containers flourish, but the historical references are interesting and numerous.

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Article content Lyndon Penner, author of The Way of the Gardener, and a gardening columnist. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. You’ll learn that olive trees were first brought to the Americas in the 1560s by the Spanish some species of fig trees can live to be over 1,000 years old and oak trees, usually the tallest trees in the forest, are the most likely to be hit by lightning - hence the Greek association of the oak with Zeus, master of lightning and king of the gods. Rather, readers will be exposed to horticultural history. However, The Way of the Gardener is not a how-to gardening book. The author’s encyclopedic horticultural knowledge will impress readers. Timely advice given the book was written before the global pandemic. “If you are thinking about the world and your place in it, perhaps walking the Camino might help you sort that out,” offers Penner. Surviving a minimum of 20-kilometres-a-day hikes, shin splints, dodgy accommodation, and cold and windy weather helped to boost that self-assurance. “I came home stronger and more self-assured than I have ever been,” notes the author in the book’s introduction. He is a traveller, gardener, former columnist for the CBC and the author of several books, including Native Plants for the Short Season Yard. The author grew up in Saskatchewan and comes from a long line of gardeners.

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The experience proved a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Lyndon Penner.

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Readers will be taken on a journey, often very humorous, with a focus on the plants, trees and flowers that tell the history of the people and ecology of northern Spain. But the book is more than a travel journal brimming with horticultural references. The Way of the Gardener: Lost in the Weeds Along the Camino de Santiago provides a subtle clue.

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