Open Source BSD Cloud-based only Only available as a cloud service no no MongoDB available as DBaaS (MongoDB Atlas) no DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) Database as a Service

Prior versions were published under GNU AGPL v3.0.
Spatial DBMS DB-Engines Ranking measures the popularity of database management systems Trend Chart Score 118.15 Rank #11 Overall #1 Wide column stores Score 477.66 Rank #5 Overall #1 Document stores Score 618.00 Rank #4 Overall #4 Relational DBMS Website Technical documentation /doc/latest /manual Developer Apache Software Foundation Apache top level project, originally developped by Facebook MongoDB, Inc PostgreSQL Global Development Group Initial release 2008 2009 1989 1989: Postgres, 1996: PostgreSQL Current release 4.0.6, August 2022 6.0.1, August 2022 14.5, August 2022 License Commercial or Open Source Open Source Apache version 2 Open Source MongoDB Inc.'s Server Side Public License v1. Time Series DBMS Time Series Collections introduced in Release 5.0 Document store Search engine integrated Lucene index, currently in MongoDB Atlas only. Handling of key/value pairs with hstore module.

Editorial information provided by DB-Engines Name Cassandra X exclude from comparison MongoDB X exclude from comparison PostgreSQL X exclude from comparison Description Wide-column store based on ideas of BigTable and DynamoDB Optimized for write access One of the most popular document stores available both as a fully managed cloud service and for deployment on self-managed infrastructure Widely used open source RDBMS Developed as objectoriented DBMS (Postgres), gradually enhanced with 'standards' like SQL Primary database model Wide column store Document store Relational DBMS with object oriented extensions, e.g.: user defined types/functions and inheritance. Please select another system to include it in the comparison. PostgreSQL System Properties Comparison Cassandra vs.